Where’s Basil? – relaxing in his hotel room, Seoul, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

Basil’s hotel room was high up in a modern hotel. He had great views of the city.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Basil sneaks out of the zoo in his disguise

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger quantities of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Where’s Basil? – relaxing after climbing to the Namsan Seoul Tower, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

It was quite a warm day as Basil and his friends climbed up to the Namsan Tower, in Seoul, Korea so he was quite happy to sit down and take a rest.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Dancing Basil

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger numbers of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Where’s Basil? – relaxing in his hotel room, Seoul, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

Basil’s hotel room was high up in a modern hotel. He had great views of the city.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Basil sneaks out of the zoo in his disguise

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger quantities of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Where’s Basil? – relaxing after climbing to the Namsan Seoul Tower, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

It was quite a warm day as Basil and his friends climbed up to the Namsan Tower, in Seoul, Korea so he was quite happy to sit down and take a rest.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Dancing Basil

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger numbers of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Where’s Basil? – relaxing in his hotel room, Seoul, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

Basil’s hotel room was high up in a modern hotel. He had great views of the city.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Basil sneaks out of the zoo in his disguise

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger quantities of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Where’s Basil? – relaxing after climbing to the Namsan Seoul Tower, Korea – Brown Bear’s Big Day Out

It was quite a warm day as Basil and his friends climbed up to the Namsan Tower, in Seoul, Korea so he was quite happy to sit down and take a rest.

Brown Bear’s Big Day Out is a story about a bear in a zoo that puts on a disguise so that he can escape and visit a funfair called Dizzyland. It’s about looking at people in depth and not being afraid because they look different from you. So Basil looks like a man when disguised but is still the same friendly and hero bear in this case once his disguise slips.

The story contains illustrations throughout the text. These are then repeated at the back of the printed book so that younger children can colour them in. One of them can be seen below.

The book is available globally from Amazon in both printed and ebook formats. This is the .co.uk link, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Adventures/dp/1980868859/, and this is for .com, https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Bears-Big-Day-Out-ebook/dp/B086DSF5N7/.

Dancing Basil

Our Etsy shop has blank greeting, birthday, invitation cards of the book’s cover artwork, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia. Larger numbers of cards are available.

Four Brown Bear’s Big Day Out blank greeting cards
4 different birthday cards

Our links

See more of Gerry Newton’s wonderful art, https://www.geraldnewtonart.com/.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

The beauty of the sky, flying home from Seoul, Korea – Environmental loading 19

Coming to terms with ourselves the human primate

First, we need to understand that we are one species. Then we have to understand what happens over time and that there are limits to how many of any one species the Earth can support at any one time. That applies to microbes through roses to the human monkey. That especially applies to the human monkey as we invent more and more “things” that use ever more of the planet’s finite resources. So there’s a finite number of us that can live at one time if we all lived in a natural fibres tent and ate salads, fruits and nuts and there’s a lot lower number that can live at any one time if we want a highly developed and mobile civilisation if and it’s a big if, we want equality. For anyone with a developed mind equality should be as much an essential part of our species future as sustainability must be. We can’t have it all.

It’s complicated

It started in all probability with modern humans and us walking out of Africa if you follow the Recent African Origin of Homo Sapiens. Maybe we could consider these common ancestors as the first ones to migrate. Over the time since then various groups of people have moved on for one reason or another. Up until very recently once people migrated away that would have been the last time that family members would have been in contact with each other. Air travel changed all that and made migration that much easier but at a deadly cost to the environment and one that is not sustainable in terms of of CO2 emissions, pollution and resources use. It doesn’t scale up to 7,800,000,000 human primates growing at 80,000,000 every 365 days. The problem is that many people have migrated, married and the like and now have families on different continents with the ability to physically be in contact with each other but this is far away from being a sustainable arrangement. 17th October 2017.

Our links

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

Our Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

It’s complicated, up in the air, flying home from Seoul, Korea – Environmental loading 18

It started in all probability with modern humans and us walking out of Africa if you follow the Recent African Origin of Homo Sapiens. Maybe we could consider these common ancestors as the first ones to migrate. Over the time since then various groups of people have moved on for one reason or another. Up until very recently once people migrated away that would have been the last time that family members would have been in contact with each other. Air travel changed all that and made migration that much easier but at a deadly cost to the environment and one that is not sustainable in terms of of CO2 emissions, pollution and resources use. It doesn’t scale up to 7,800,000,000 human primates growing at 80,000,000 every 365 days. The problem is that many people have migrated, married and the like and now have families on different continents with the ability to physically be in contact with each other but this is far away from being a sustainable arrangement. 17th October 2017.

Our links

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

Our Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Gentle Monster, interesting name, Seoul, Korea

I wonder what the connection is between the name and the service they offer. 17th October 2017.

Our links

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

Our Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

Banpo Bridge Moonlight Fountain Show (photo 4), Seoul, Korea

A photo of the Banpo Bridge fountain display. https://www.koreatodo.com/banpo-bridge-rainbow-fountain. 16th October 2017.

Our links

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

Our Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

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