Baby food part 2- really?

So what is being put into the mouths of children? We need to change the way we live, work, travel and consume.

Recent studies suggest a possible link between nano plastic particles having crossed the blood brain barrier being responsible for some people developing Parkinson’s Disease, In addition PFAS compounds are being found to be concentrated in brain tumours, glioma, So ask yourself, is that cosy, convenient, fossil fuel and derivatives based life really that safe? If it isn’t we need to start reducing our exposure to it.

From a previous post

Homo sapiens, 7 million years in the making yet somehow we now have to feed babies with packaging from trees that died way back before our branch of evolution started growing. Could be it’s more about convenience rather than actually the only way to live our lives. Let’s face it there’s a certain laziness and like of convenience in all of us but this packaging is an environmental disaster. The companies making this stuff are going to want to grow the market and produce more plastic pollution. Let’s join the dots again here. This packaging or some like it will find it’s way into the environment where it will be broken down into microplastics. From there it will find it’s way into the placentas of women and into the younger brothers and sisters of the babies and young children currently enjoying this plastic wrapped convenience food. Would you really do this to a future generation of unborn children? No, then don’t. Change how you feed your kids.

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A decade to make the necessary changes – Nope only 2245 days left as of today

First posted January 2021 so we’ve lost a lot of time.

Meanwhile we “celebrated”, really, there being 8,000,000,000 of us alive at any one given time and of course levels of greenhouses gases have risen sharply. The human species is not in a good place as we leave 2022.

The decade, from the start of 2021 to the end of 2030, will be a defining one for those people alive today and depending on what reductions we make in terms of fossil fuels, many generations into the future. We have 3652 days if you count from the 1st of January and the two leap years of 2024 and 2028. To some that may sound like a lot of days and to others no time at all. It would be difficult enough if we managed to stabilise the human population but we are far from doing that. Much of the reason for current increases in our total number are the lack of women’s rights, the inequality between women and men and the lack of access to contraception, family planning, abortion and not forgetting the issue of child brides and child mothers.

How big a problem is it? Possibly it’s as big as burning fossil fuels. Many included myself see it as one of the larger human elephants in the room. In the 366 days of 2020 the world’s head count increased by let’s call it 80,000,000 despite the extra deaths due to the pandemic. So in 2020 an extra 10 Switzerlands were created, So in general, even though the fertility rate is falling and we assume that the pandemic will pass we can apply the same number of additional people being born for this the crucial decade in human history. It’s an uphill struggle to meet the Sustainable Development Goals as it is but at the rate humans are reproducing we would create another 100 Switzerlands by the end of 2030, 800,000,000 people. Now you could argue it would be less but even if it was 600,000,000 extra people they would still need food, water, shelter, education, energy, in some form, infrastructure, jobs, medicine, household goods etc. Not all within the next 10 years but it is easy to see how unsustainable it is since we cannot provide these things for the current 7,800,000,000 humans. It should be noted as a generalisation that countries where women do not have rights such as access to abortion are also those from which migration in search of work for example are the highest, Therefore women’s rights and inequality are one of the largest human elephants in the room. What happens in what remains of the 3652 days of this decade will come back to haunt the human race for a long time in the future. It is time to change because we are too many, we take too much.

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Women’s rights and equality essential and central to solving global issues

First posted on the 5th of January 2021. In some, perhaps many ways we may be going backwards not forwards.

Although not the only links between what is happening in the world this map of where abortion is available tells us a lot about women’s rights, equality, sustainability and migration. We can make some generalisations here for the sake of not writing a book on this blog. Many of the countries where women don’t have the right to have an abortion or access to contraception and family planning are also those with a high percentage of very young people and that have large numbers migrating to countries that do have these and where populations are growing at a more sustainable rate. Many countries in Africa for instance have around 50% of their population 18 years old or younger. Clearly no country can deal with this unsustainable growth and in the wider picture any country’s environment can be severely damaged by this level of growth. In the even larger picture of looking over the last two centuries the planet cannot sustain the growth of having gone from around one billion individuals in 1800 to 7.8 billion in 2021. It is therefore as a matter of urgency, as part of climate change, sustainability and reducing the damage done to the environment that we concentrate as a priority the gaining of equality for all women and their control over their own bodies,

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Baby food – really?

Published originally in December 2020. Three years later and we’re still no nearer to the drastic changes needed in the way we live, work, travel and consume.

Homo sapiens, 7 million years in the making yet somehow we now have to feed babies with packaging from trees that died way back before our branch of evolution started growing. Could be it’s more about convenience rather than actually the only way to live our lives. Let’s face it there’s a certain laziness and like of convenience in all of us but this packaging is an environmental disaster. The companies making this stuff are going to want to grow the market and produce more plastic pollution. Let’s join the dots again here. This packaging or some like it will find it’s way into the environment where it will be broken down into microplastics. From there it will find it’s way into the placentas of women and into the younger brothers and sisters of the babies and young children currently enjoying this plastic wrapped convenience food. Would you really do this to a future generation of unborn children? No, then don’t. Change how you feed your kids.

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A Christmas scene

First posted in December 2020. The plastic is still out there and getting worse so try and have a less plastic Christmas and more environmentally friendly one for 2023.

(Note for October 2023. I recently read a paper by a Japanese group of researchers who collected microplastic particles from the top of Mount Fuji. They were being broken down by ultra violet light, releasing CO2 and in part of the process becoming hydrophilic, acting as condensation nuclei and then falling as plastic rain. This is the plastic crap we continue to make.)

Some people might say that I’m being very negative about Christmas and I suppose they would be right in a sense. However I’m personally not very happy living in a very heavily polluted world. Is this Christmas scene polluted? Well that depends. We are all living in a soup of microplastic and nanoplastic particles that we are eating and breathing in. How serious is it? We don’t generally know but since pathogens and toxins can hitch a ride on these tiny particles we don’t really want to find out. A recent study found microplastics in the placenta of women so how much damage are we causing to unborn children? So here’s the link to this photo as I like to make connections and join the dots. Young children attending the Christmas events on this scene in a shopping centre are probably already carrying these tiny and potentially harmful particles in their bodies. Now we need to ask how much of this Christmas display is plastic and what’s going to happen to that plastic going forward. Maybe some of it will go on and end up in the future brothers and sisters of the young children who come to see a plastic wrapped Santa. We need to change and we all need to become aware.

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Melanie and the Pot of Jam, page 24 illustration

Page 24 illustration from the new story that I’m working on with illustrator Nicola B @NicolaButterfli, called Melanie and the Pot of Jam. This is the final page apart from the text pages about healthy eating. Due to problems loading the file into KDP it will be the third or fourth quarter of 2023 before it is published.

In this illustration Melanie has returned to her normal self.

Nicola has worked on a number of books with her two daughters. This is an example of one of them,

Meanwhile I have 8 published books on Amazon for children of different ages so why not take a look at my author page and look them up.

Four books

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

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Melanie and the Pot of Jam, page 23 illustration

Page 23 illustration from the new story that I’m working on with illustrator Nicola B @NicolaButterfli, called Melanie and the Pot of Jam. Due to problems with setting the book up in KDP this book will be published in the fourth quarter of 2023.

In this illustration Melanie is leaving the gym and looking so much better for it.

Nicola has worked on a number of books with her two daughters. This is an example of one of them,

Meanwhile I have 8 published books on Amazon for children of different ages so why not take a look at my author page and look them up.

Four books

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

This is our website for all our photography and my books,

We are also on Flickr,

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Our Etsy shop

Melanie and the Pot of Jam, page 22 illustration

Page 22 illustration from the new story that I’m working on with illustrator Nicola B @NicolaButterfli, called Melanie and the Pot of Jam. It’s coming along, that’s all I can say.

In this illustration Melanie is at the gym to lose some weight that she put on because she ate so much jam while trapped inside the pot.

Nicola has worked on a number of books with her two daughters. This is an example of one of them,

Meanwhile I have 8 published books on Amazon for children of different ages so why not take a look at my author page and look them up.

Four books

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

This is our website for all our photography and my books,

We are also on Flickr,

Also on Instagram,

Our Etsy shop

Melanie and the Pot of Jam, page 21 illustration

Page 21 illustration from the new story that I’m working on with illustrator Nicola B @NicolaButterfli, called Melanie and the Pot of Jam. Due to problems with KDP the story will be published as soon as possible.

In this illustration Melanie goes on the running machine to lose some weight that she put on because she ate so much jam.

Nicola has worked on a number of books with her two daughters. This is an example of one of them,

Meanwhile I have 8 published books on Amazon for children of different ages so why not take a look at my author page and look them up.

Four books

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

This is our website for all our photography and my books,

We are also on Flickr,

Also on Instagram,

Our Etsy shop

Melanie and the Pot of Jam, page 20 illustration

Page 20 illustration from the new story that I’m working on with illustrator Nicola B @NicolaButterfli, called Melanie and the Pot of Jam. We are planning on self publishing later this year.

In this illustration Melanie goes to the gym to lose some weight that she put on because she ate so much jam.

Nicola has worked on a number of books with her two daughters. This is an example of one of them,

Meanwhile I have 8 published books on Amazon for children of different ages so why not take a look at my author page and look them up.

Four books

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

This is our website for all our photography and my books,

We are also on Flickr,

Also on Instagram,

Our Etsy shop

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