Know any jokes about Sodium? – Organic cotton T-shirt

A science joke about a basic element. Who says scientists can’t make jokes? An organic cotton T-shirt from our Scientist and Philosopher range so hopefully not too heavy loading on the environment compared with other materials.

Check out how these products are made using organic cotton. We need to live in not just a sustainable way but one that causes the least environmental loading on the planet. You can even send these items back to be made into new things when you have finished with them. (S&P)

This is the link to the T-shirt,

Know any jokes about Sodium

Our Teemill organic cotton products are ethically, environmentally and ecologically produced. They are recyclable, sustainable, stylish, high quality fashion items.

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Know any jokes about Sodium? – Organic cotton T-shirt

A science joke about a basic element. Who says scientists can’t make jokes? An organic cotton T-shirt from our Scientist and Philosopher range so hopefully not too heavy loading on the environment compared with other materials.

Check out how these products are made using organic cotton. We need to live in not just a sustainable way but one that causes the least environmental loading on the planet. You can even send these items back to be made into new things when you have finished with them. (S&P)

This is the link to the T-shirt,

Know any jokes about Sodium

Our Teemill organic cotton products are ethically, environmentally and ecologically produced. They are recyclable, sustainable, stylish, high quality fashion items.

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Swiss press cartoon on the precarity and stupidity of the human race

How many people have their heads in the sand when it comes to the reality of the situation that we live in at this time? How many are just hoping that it’s all going to go away or end nicely? How many national flag waving idiots are there still, that believe one or both these issues won’t affect their little bit of the pale blue dot or their lives? How many still believe that scientific consensus is wrong when it says that we cannot pump any further CO2 into the atmosphere?

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The Gulf Stream and what it might do in the near future

Posted almost three years ago There have been some exceptional extreme weather events since then and it’s set to get far worse. Don’t be the little piggie in the straw house thinking that the big bad wolf of climate change won’t come knocking at your door. Since then more studies and research have been carried out and have confirmed that our systems are changing but that they have not yet reached tipping points.

5th March 2021

This is an excellent piece by the New York Times on what may happen to the Gulf Stream in the near future because of the human primate’s burning of fossil fuels. We have effectively been “playing with fire” as a species and apart from the majority of the several thousand scientists involved in climate change telling us about what will happen if we heat the oceans and atmosphere, have been misled by global corporations centered on profit and wealth creation and their propping up of puppet governments. Humanity is in for a rough ride, how rough it will be will be determined by how quickly we act and it’s not just about buying an electric car,

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420 – It’s just a number, right?

I posted this in February 2021 when we hadn’t exceeded 420ppm but we went past that figure in 2022. Time we seriously changed the way we live, work, travel and consume.

February 22nd 2021

We like our whole and round number numbers, small and round is what sits well with most of us. So what is 420 in this case? It’s the parts per million molecules of carbon dioxide, CO2, that will be recorded by the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii sometime between now and May as the northern hemisphere turns from Winter to Spring. We were almost there earlier in February which is quite surprising since our climate change generating economies have been hit by the corona virus.

So why’s 420 so important? We live in an interglacial period. Everything we know from the giant leap the human primate made from hunter gatherer to agriculturist has happened in the last 12,000 years or so. Now everything the human primate does has been affecting the configuration of the planet in very subtle ways. Everyone talks about cars and aircraft but even farming throws up dust. Some of that dust rains down on the Greenland ice sheets providing nutrients for algae to darken the surface of the ice reducing the albedo of the surface and hence aiding climate change. That’s just one example and a story in itself.

Currently the Earth has been going through a number of ice ages. Over the last glaciations stretching back 800,000 years, at the height of the interglacial, like we are here in 2021, the CO2 level has been around 280ppm CO2 and this amount of CO2 has dropped to 180ppm at the height of the glaciation so we have a fairly good record of what the ice age CO2 cycle looks like. It gets more interesting. The ice ages themselves stretch back to 2.58 million years ago and this level of greenhouse gas hasn’t been seen in the atmosphere since before then. Many millions of years before then depending on the research that you look at.

What’s quite scary is the rate of increase in atmospheric CO2. This screen shot from Mauna Loa last year shows we hit 417ppm. It doesn’t sound much to most people in what’s 3ppm over a period of 12 months? It’s huge, that’s what it is. That rate of increase hasn’t been seen in perhaps between 30 and 50,000,000 years. Now compare that to the time that the human species has really been messing with the system, 12,000 years and you can see that there’s a very high probability that our actual human numbers and the way we live our lives is the cause of that CO2 increase. We have changed the processes that govern the planet and humans will reap the “benefits” and very soon. That big bad wolf of climate change may not have come knocking at your door yet but it won’t be long before he does. It’s therefore time to change the way we live, work, travel and consume. This entails changing our economics because they are disconnected from physical reality and it also means stabilising the human population and slowly reducing it to a sustainable level.

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Environmental loading – part 1

I first posted this back at the end of January 2021. Imagine now the countless, like sand grains on a beach, nano and micro sized plastic particles that have in that year been distributed from one pole to the other and to the highest mountain tops and deepest ocean depths. There’s also some making their way round your body which could cause you major health issues. We need to change.

29th January 2021

In this part of my blog I will cover “normal” everyday, taken for granted things that are anything but.

We used to use these, millions, perhaps billions of people use them every day. We never gave a second thought. They are cheap, they come in multi-packs usually and you put them in the bins when they are worn out. But why are they worn out? It’s because they are plastic and every time we use one small bits of plastic break off and are washed into our water systems. They become microplastic and nanoplastic sized particles. What’s happening to all those degraded bits of plastic? They are for the most part out there in the environment beyond the little bubble of our daily convenient lives. What most people don’t realise is that they have come back. These small pieces of plastic are found in rivers, sea, oceans, the soil and the air. They are everywhere. At first we were concerned that they were in marine creatures but they have traveled much further than that. Some initial research shows that they are in plants, in some of the vegetables that we eat. To come full circle they have been found in the placenta of women so we are even poisoning unborn children. Why? Because some plastics can be endocrine system disruptors and the small particles themselves can also join with heavy metals, pathogens and other toxins. So make the cleaning pads you have the last ones you buy and seek out an alternative that is non damaging and non loading on our shared environment. These plastic based products are not “cheap”.

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A moment of our time – part 53

Part 53 of my A Moment of Our Time. It’s not in the book yet and is in a different format to the other parts of the book.

So this is not the end of my long piece entitled A moment of our time in which I have tried to describe all that happens in any one given moment of time.

In that moment, did one or more dinosaurs look up and think, “Uh……”?

In that moment, did one or passengers on April 14th, 1912, think, “what was that bang and jolt……”?

In any given moment, looking at all the shoppers engrossed in shopping, are any of them thinking, “What did Noam Chomsky mean when he said, “People don’t know what’s happening to them, they don’t even know that they don’t know””?

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Today, 22nd January 2021’s example of the limited and human centric view

I posted this originally in 2021. We are in the main still living in ignorance.

22nd January 2021

We have done and are continuing to do extensive damage to the life support systems of the planet as if we don’t need them. We really do have either a very pretentious view of ourselves as being somehow different from the rest of nature or, lets be polite and say that we are unaware of the damage that 7,800,000,000 primates are doing. Very few question that we added 80,000,000 human primates in the very short period of time, the 366 days of 2020. In fact some think that it’s all perfectly natural. It’s a natural disaster certainly and one that we cannot continue to repeat. As this article shows, our very actions endanger our well being and may also lead to our species extinction, Something that many with their limited human centric views would find an impossibility.

As you can see below we are too many, we’ve taken and are taking too much.

Farm animals 60%, humans 36% and the rest of the animals just 4%.
Farm animals 60%, humans 36% and the rest of the animals just 4%.

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A moment of our time – What am I? – part 52

Part 52 of my A Moment of Our Time. It’s not in the book yet and is in a different format to the other parts of the book.

So this is the end of my long piece entitled A moment of our time in which I have tried to describe all that happens in any one given moment of time. Not a second because a second is too long. A moment in which all the matter and energy in our known universe goes through some sort of change. This last section covers the very small. Having read it again I can see that there are plenty of things that I could have added to the work. One day when I have more than just a moment I will hopefully go back and revisit it.


Think about every atom at that moment

Think about every particle at that moment

Think about every undiscovered particle at that moment

Think about every wave form at that moment

Think about every photon at that moment

Think about every wave of radiation striking the Earth at that moment

A moment

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Giorgio Graffino, PhD - Science Writer and Climate Scientist

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