Humans. A clever species? Maybe not

Looking at this BBC news item it seems that one group of human monkeys are squaring up to another group of human monkeys as to who owns bits of the Earth. So in a future time when Homo Sapiens have possibly gone extinct either by war or climate change would an intelligent visiting alien species or a future evolved and greater consciousness discover these imaginary lines that the dumb human monkey currently draws on the planet’s surface?

Maybe we, if we want to move the species forward, could create International Peace Zones, called IPZs, that would belong to no nation where we separate two nations by say a 20km Earth Zone where there would be no Homo sapiens allowed. Regeneration zones where plants, insects, animals and birds etc could do what they were meant to do, evolve, without the interference of the very human centric mindset of a monkey that thinks he owns the planet. I say he because it’s still a majority of the male monkey that actually causes the problems in regards to the imaginary lines that said monkey draws on Earth’s surface. They are also, in the main, the ones that point guns at each other and I suspect that it’s the ones with the penis, that again in the main, design, develop, sell and run the companies that churn out ever better ways of killing those other monkeys. Time for the Homo sapiens monkey to move on, grow up or shuffle off the pale blue dot and let other life get on with evolving.

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Littering – a responsibility tax – “I” am responsible

First posted May 2021

Our environment is full of plastic waste. Every corner and huge numbers of drops of the Earth’s water has been contaminated with micro plastics. It may not be you or I doing this but it is our human primate species, of which we are all part of and that we are partially responsible for as conscious intelligent individuals, that is doing it. So this is my thinking of what “I”, that’s all of us “I”s consider normal part 10 and what we should do about it.

We need responsibility taxation throughout our consumption. There are few reasons to be drinking out of PFAS coated takeaway cups and not bringing our own refillable cups to a place where we purchase a takeaway drink. To curb the use of these environmentally and potentially health damaging cups there should be a tax on manufacturing them, a tax on corporations and other sized businesses purchasing them, a tax for branding and marketing them in any way as is the case here and of course a huge fining system for anyone who deposits a takeaway cup like this in the environment like this, with an additional fine on the company for allowing their branding to litter the environment. Take away cups must be driven if not to extinction then very close to it. The planet cannot afford our species convenience, stupidity and irresponsibility.

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The “I” in normal. “I” have always had a phone

First posted in March 2021.

18th March 2021

My seventh post of what “I” perceive as normal. Look around you. It’s a bit more difficult now that most of us are in some form of lockdown but nearly everyone inside and outside of your life bubble has a smartphone. They’re normal right? That may seem to be the case, especially if you are let’s say under 20 and you’ve been carrying a smartphone since you first went to school. Your “I” view is one where a smartphone is perfectly normal. Skip back just 50 years, to the time of the dinosaurs for some and some people, even in first world countries, didn’t have a phone in their house. We had to rely on phone boxes and hope that others were not using them or that they were actually functioning. Sounds terrible doesn’t it? Well just imagine that there are countless people in the world today that still don’t have a phone, it’s not “normal” for them. Take that thought a little further and consider where the materials come from that bring that shiny smartphone to you. Some of the materials involve child labour and unsafe working practices and are being extracted in conflict zones. What’s the real cost of the smartphone in your “I” world? Take your thought one step further out of your “I” world and consider the amount of energy required to bring the latest box set to your smartphone or whatever else you use it for. When there was just basic telephony the energy use was a lot less but the entertainment industry along with the technology industry that delivers the smartphone experience to you is part of the reason that this northern hemisphere Spring will probably see 420ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere for the first time in at least 3 million years and probably a whole lot longer. Think about it.

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The “I” in normal. When did foodbanks become normal?

I wrote this almost three years ago and the situation has become far worse. There should be protests on the streets every week but for some reason the people are complacent. This is something to be deeply ashamed of as a country. It’s merely excuses that don’t allow us to feed everyone in one of the world’s supposedly largest economies.

8th March 2021

My fourth post of what “I” perceive as normal. We, the “I”s, seem to think somehow that food banks are normal, that they have become acceptable as a normal way of life for many. Some of us “I”s buy extra food at the supermarket and place them in the food bank bin. Many of us “I”s don’t even do that and how many of us”I”s actually consider the indignity that food bank users must suffer having someone else choosing which value brand of tea or jam is bought for them or being told buy cup-o-soups because some food bank users only have a kettle. They have been around for some time now, several years at least, as have successive governments who have failed to tax their rich party donating tax avoiders for not just years but decades. The individuals who think they can buy and do buy democracy and in extreme cases think they deserve being space tourists are the problem. We, the “I”s should consider a country with just one food bank a failed state, we should be ashamed of our country. There is no reason for food banks apart from the way a particular country is run and those that have food banks are being run for the benefit of the 1%.

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The “I” in normal. “I” drink coffee in a takeaway cup

I posted this almost three years ago but I still see many people damaging the planet with their single use cups and also potentially risking their health. I recently read a paper that found PFAS chemicals concentrated in brain tumours.

5th March 2021

My third post of what “I” perceive as normal. You are educated, you have been to university or you may be at university. You buy on a regular basis a beverage in a takeaway cup. It’s normal right? “I” used to do it and never thought about it but each cup contains poisonous chemicals some of which may not be known to government monitoring services. So now you are saying, “I” never got sick from drinking from a takeaway cup. I suggest that you read this article. The outlets selling you your favourite coffee etc will have no idea what PFAS chemicals their cups are covered in. Simple solution, buy a reuseable cup like the one in the photo and stop slowly poisoning yourself, The PFAS in your coffee cup are of course just the tip of the iceberg but it’s as good as place as any to start getting them out of your life and the easiest one.

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The “I” in normal. “I” eat bats

I posted this first in March 2021. How many will have changed their eating habits? How many will still be endangering us with a new corona type virus? Meanwhile the human population increases and increases further and further into nature and exposing us all to further viruses. And what’s coming out of the melting permafrost?

4th March 2021

Taking the theme of what “I” perceive as normal a step further from my original post let’s take the case of the current corona virus pandemic that has killed over 2,500,000 fellow human primates. The reason for those deaths is that there are some individuals who thought and many who probably still think that it’s perfectly normal for “I” eat bats to be in their heads. For many of us others we will be thinking, “I” find that disgusting. Clearly in this case there is a need for those who eat bats to be shown that this is not a good idea no matter how good they taste or how many generations they have been doing this.

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The “I” in normal

I posted this originally at the start of March 2021. Has much changed since then? No is the answer. What has happened is that researches are finding PFAS chemicals in brain tumours and nano plastic particles implicated in Parkinson’s Disease. There’s mounting evidence that our “normal” and convenient lifestyle is affecting us in ways we never thought possible.

3rd March 2021

“We” all do it. As individuals we base what we do from one minute to the next on what we know and it becomes “normal”. After all for most of us in our own little bubbles of existence what we do repeatedly day in day out doesn’t kill us or if it does it does so very slowly. Another cigarette, how many’s that? Another whiskey, no problem. Another takeaway cup of coffee in a cup covered in PFAS chemicals, but we haven’t seen anybody fall down through drinking their coffee despite not knowing what the accumulation of those chemicals is doing inside our bodies.

But what of further afield? What’s happening globally with those other 7,800,000,000 all putting the “I” in their “normal” little bubbles of existence? It adds up to the damage we see happening to the the life support systems of the planet.

Now this is the really hard bit and it takes a long time to get there, if we can even get there, because you might say right now why would I want to as the “I” in my “normal” hasn’t killed me, at least not yet. Put yourself in the place of an observer of “I”. Imagine that you are not a human primate at all but a different life form observing those 7,800,000,000 human primates in their “normal” bubbles of existence. It’s very hard to do because we are trapped in our little “I” bubbles. But try it once a day, imagine that you are a non human primate observer observing them. Look at them and how they are damaging the very things that give them life. With this knowledge if enough of us become observers of the damage that our “I” bubbles cause maybe we can change and stop destroying this precious planet that we all share. Ask yourself if there is anything in your normal that’s making things worse or better.

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A moment of our time – part 53

Part 53 of my A Moment of Our Time. It’s not in the book yet and is in a different format to the other parts of the book.

So this is not the end of my long piece entitled A moment of our time in which I have tried to describe all that happens in any one given moment of time.

In that moment, did one or more dinosaurs look up and think, “Uh……”?

In that moment, did one or passengers on April 14th, 1912, think, “what was that bang and jolt……”?

In any given moment, looking at all the shoppers engrossed in shopping, are any of them thinking, “What did Noam Chomsky mean when he said, “People don’t know what’s happening to them, they don’t even know that they don’t know””?

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A moment of our time – What am I? – part 52

Part 52 of my A Moment of Our Time. It’s not in the book yet and is in a different format to the other parts of the book.

So this is the end of my long piece entitled A moment of our time in which I have tried to describe all that happens in any one given moment of time. Not a second because a second is too long. A moment in which all the matter and energy in our known universe goes through some sort of change. This last section covers the very small. Having read it again I can see that there are plenty of things that I could have added to the work. One day when I have more than just a moment I will hopefully go back and revisit it.


Think about every atom at that moment

Think about every particle at that moment

Think about every undiscovered particle at that moment

Think about every wave form at that moment

Think about every photon at that moment

Think about every wave of radiation striking the Earth at that moment

A moment

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A moment of our time – part 51

Revisiting part 51 of my A Moment of Our Time.

So this is the end of my long piece entitled A moment of our time in which I have tried to describe all that happens in any one given moment of time. Not a second because a second is too long. A moment in which all the matter and energy in our known universe goes through some sort of change. This last section covers the very small. Having read it again I can see that there are plenty of things that I could have added to the work. One day when I have more than just a moment I will hopefully go back and revisit it.


Think about every atom at that moment

Think about every particle at that moment

Think about every undiscovered particle at that moment

Think about every wave form at that moment

Think about every photon at that moment

Think about every wave of radiation striking the Earth at that moment

A moment

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